28 December 2007

Choose your 2008

On the eve of 2008, I thought it would only be appropriate to take a step back, reflect on the highlights of this past year -- big and small triumphs -- and choose one thing to focus on being next year.

One of the keys to setting sustainable goals is to view them as being part of our selves, the BEING, instead of assigning them an external role, the DOING. Here's an example. Say I am graduating from medical school and I set a goal of being the best doctor out there (read: my goal is to DO the role of the doctor to perfection). What if something happens that makes it impossible for me to be a doctor? All hope for my future will be crushed!

Instead, let's say that I decide upon my graduation to set my focus on helping to heal people. If something gets in the way of my being a doctor, I could still consider being an acupuncturist, a counselor, a volunteer at a center for troubled youth. There are many different ways of externally manifesting that internal attitude of healing -- and I have just set myself an achievable, fulfilling goal.

It takes a while to think about how you truly want to BE. Keep it simple, and choose to embrace that internal attitude each day when you wake up. As you do this, the attitude becomes part of your being. If you choose to make 2008 the year of joy, start by smiling. Each day, remind yourself to smile at a stranger. Sooner or later, it'll become a habit and you're going to be joyful and spreading joy without realizing it. Or, if you choose to make 2008 the year of action, start saying yes. Try something new once a week -- that new restaurant, that coffee date with the neighbor, that job interview. You might be surprised with how quickly you break out of your status quo, and how fresh life feels!

Claim 2008. Choose to have your best New Year.

Quote of the Week:
“If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.” – Larry McMurtry

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