27 November 2007


Imagine someone told you that there was one thing you could do every day that would decrease stress, make you look younger, lower your risk of heart disease, lower your blood pressure, increase lung capacity, reduce pain levels, and help you connect with people around you - all without taking a single pill. Would you do it?

The amazing thing is, it's something we all used to do a lot when we were children. In fact, studies show that children do this 10 times more frequently than adults.

It's laughter.

When did we start taking ourselves so seriously that we forgot to laugh?! It's a great feeling, finding yourself laughing so hard that you're wiping tears away, gasping for breath as you nearly fall out of your chair. Think of all the oxygen you take into your cells when you laugh like that, breathing from your stomach. It all goes to help your energy and vitality.

So if you don't sit next to a stand-up comedian at work, how do you start getting into the habit of laughter? Start smiling, spend time with children/funny people, and develop your own sense of humor. Consider sharing your embarrassing moments with others; you'll take yourself less seriously.

Quote of the Week:
" I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." - Woody Allen

1 comment:

Travel the World with Me said...

just gave you a shout out on my blog (www.peasandnuts.com). I really love this entry. It is totally in line to what I keep telling people. Enjoy everyday, and laugh hard and out loud. People tend to look their best when they do.

Thanks for writing such a great post.